Thank you for your interest in donating to the work we are doing in the Upper Hutt Community. Your partnership will help to make a significant difference.
If you are happy for your donation to go wherever it is most needed in our organisation then please make your donation to 4 A Better City Trust. If you are passionate about investing in the I Have a Dream Project, please make your donation to our separate Upper Hutt I Have A Dream account.

Donate to 4 A Better City
Your financial donation will allow us to help more people in Upper Hutt, helping us to build towards our dream of a mentally, socially, economically and spiritually stronger community.

Donate to I Have A Dream Upper Hutt
Your donation will empower Kiwi kids and help provide them with the academic and life skills they need to navigate their own path to success.

Social Enterprises
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Suite 105, 22 Lane St, Upper Hutt 5018
04 527 4001